Class Links

Ok well as this blog is winding down I would just like to acknowledge some of my peers for doing such an amazing job with their blogs.


This peer is a great blogger who talks about the federal budget. He talks primarily about the relationship between new tax cuts and how it effects the federal budget. If you like subtile sarcasm mixed in with factual information he is the blogger for you.

Dog with a Blog

Ok, Dog with a Blog is another blogger on this site. She is primarily focused on the effects of gun control and is speaking her mind about the new policies she would like to see put in place and the effects they would have on present and future gun owners. I find her blogs really fascinating and factual, you all should check her out!


Bl0gg3r is another great source for receiving gun control news. He is up to date on all the latest policies and is not afraid to speak his mind in a fact based way. The way he talks through his blog is something I aspire to do as a blog writer some time in the future. He provides well put together information and is a great source to use if you are looking to research gun control.

My Growth

I have definitely enjoyed my time writing to you all about DACA but also expressing myself through my short blogs. I will say that I felt very uncomfortable expressing myself through my blog at the beginning, but now that I have been doing this for a couple weeks I really feel myself becoming more free and being able to incorporate myself in what I am writing. I know i still have a long way to go with my long post like showing both sides in a more clearer light, while also including my opinions in the mix. I think that all that is very important, but if you have been here from the start you will also realize that I have managed to managed to find my voice through this topic and it has shown itself though my writings and that is something that I think is very important as a writer.

Class Links

For this final post, I wanted to give a quick shout out to some blogs that I have enjoyed reading.

First off I have publicwriter1. They chose a topic similar to mine so if you want a different perspective on similar issues I would highly recommend this blog. This blog takes a narrower look at the national debt issue by focusing on tax cuts and the Jobs Act.

Next, I wanted to shout out another friend of mine whose blog can be found here . The author brings a unique perspective to analyze foreign relations between the US and China. They focus mostly on the trade war and related issues.

Finally, I want to talk about another blogger on this same site. It is my friend Ken and he analyzed gun violence in the US and the laws around the usage of guns. Ken’s blog can be found at this link . One large focus of his blog is specific legislation passed regarding gun control.

Class Links

Along with my blog there are many other blogs that I recommend you guys check out. These blogs give you great insight on many different topics than I cover and you may find them very interesting.

Go check out If you want to read a little bit further into gun control. It gives another view on gun control I really didn’t dive deep into if you want more information.

You can also go look at if you want to learn about title IX. Title IX is an act that was to make sexual discrimination illegal. This blog goes into depth about Title IX and what can be changed to make it as effective as possible.

And last but not least you should visit In this blog, the publisher goes into great detail about DACA and its effects on immigration status in the United States. It gives great insight on some solutions to DACA and some effective ways to help the situation

Class Links

Class Shout-Outs

Over the course of the five weeks of this project, I had the opportunity to read many of my peer’s blogs. Here are some of the ones I read and enjoyed the most:

This blog written by Engl105.2 and it focuses on Title IX. I enjoy this blog because I learned a lot about Title IX, of which I was not very familiar with before. They also incorporate many personal stories that relate to Title IX, which helps to create both a more emotion-provoking and overall interesting blog.

This blog, written by publicwriter1, focuses on the impact of tax cuts on our economy. As with the blog topic above, I did not previously know much about the tax cuts or honestly much about taxes in general, but I feel that I have learned a lot after reading this page. They also connect the tax cuts to the national debt, which is definitely an important issue to be familiar with in the current time.

This blog is written by Englishblogger and it explores the subject of NAFTA and the auto industry. The blog is written in a very straightforward and informative way, making a somewhat confusing topic very easy to understand.

What did I learn…

We have reached the end of our blog projects and man was this a journey to go through. At the start of my blog project I was generally confused about my topic of gun control. From the start, most of the information I knew about gun control has come from social media or just hearing every now and again about what has recently happened in the news. I had a very general understanding but never went below the surface of gun control getting to know the real facts and details. As time went on and I had to do more research and posts, I found myself becoming more and more about the topic and developing my own opinions about gun control instead of getting my opinions from other people. The statistics I learned about are fascinating but the information isn’t what I mainly took from the project. The way I had to use my information to learn how to formulate my argument and get the point across was the real test. I learned that it’s about what you say if you can’t get it to connect to your audience. The main thing I learned was that you have to back up what you say or it cannot be considered a valid point

Class Links

Along with my blog there are many other blogs that I recommend you guys check out. These blogs give you great insight on many different topics than I cover and you may find them very interesting.

Go check out If you want to read a little bit further into gun control. It gives another view on gun control I really didn’t dive deep into if you want more information.

You can also go look at if you want to learn about title IX. Title IX is an act that was to make sexual discrimination illegal. This blog goes into depth about Title IX and what can be changed to make it as effective as possible.

And last but not least you should visit In this blog, the publisher goes into great detail about DACA and its effects on immigration status in the United States. It gives great insight on some solutions to DACA and some effective ways to help the situation


I can confidently say that this blog project helped me grow as a thinker in multiple ways. The most obvious example lies in how I research. In high school, teachers would usually instruct my classmates and me to find arguments or facts that specifically support our chosen thesis. Through this project, I began to research in order to find an answer to a question that I had. I wouldn’t be looking for a specific fact in my research, but instead just trying to learn as much as I could about the federal budget and all its components in order to form my own argument as best as I could. A big reason for this change in method was that I have a genuine curiosity about my topic and wanted to learn more about it for myself, not necessarily any school project.

Throughout high school, I would only pay attention to the news around politics if something big had just happened or if I knew a major event such as an election was coming up. I was never someone who would regularly sit down and watch or read the news. This project did “force” me to keep up with the news, but it never felt like something I was being forced to do. After a couple weeks it became something that I enjoyed to do as a part of my routine. It is always nice to keep up with current events and understand what is happening in my country and in the world. These stories are important and connected to issues that are relevant to my life. Staying informed on the world around me is a significant part of my own education and enrichment.

I chose my topic because it had been something that I have had an interest in and had discussions about with family and friends in the past. After doing research into the subject, I have really come to notice that finding a solution for the budget deficit and the national debt is not going to be easy at all. Before I had thought that it would be pretty easy to cut out excess spending and transition certain programs from governmental to private. Now I know that the system is much more complicated than that. However, I still believe funding needs to be cut somehow, but likely in a gradual cut because a sudden cut would leave people without certain public services. I still believe that increasing tax rates is not the answer and that an increase in tax rates will not result in a proportional increase in tax revenues. After really seeing the pros and cons to each side’s argument I better understand the reason for the huge divide in schools of thought on the budget.

The Health Care Spending Divide

For the purposes of this post, I will be focusing on Health Care Spending and how it contributes to our massive deficit and debt. This idea was mentioned previously in my long analysis post, but today we will take another look at it. In the last post I cited that since 1960, Social Security and Medicare tax rates have only increased about 2.5x while the spending for Medicare has increased 8x. This widened the gap between revenue and expenses for Health Care programs, which as a result made these programs costlier and more inefficient to the government. The tax revenue for Medicare goes through the Hospital Insurance trust fund (HI). Other sectors are funded by a trust that receives money from general revenues. However, both of these methods of funding are not always enough to cover the entire budget. This is where debt comes into play. Borrowed money is used to subsidize these funds to allow for Medicare companies to cover their expenses.

Medicare has been receiving an increased amount of funding each year. Last year both Medicare and Medicaid saw spending increases of at least 3.6%. If this pattern hold, Medicare is projected to be over 20% of federal spending by 2043, compared to its current level at 14%. A 20% share of the economy for Medicare alone could create some significant issues for the rest of the economy. Significantly higher tax rates would be needed to support this. High tax rates will damage the potential for economic growth and prevent some citizens ability to make ends meet. With current legislation, a larger a larger percentage of Health Care funding will need to come from the category labeled as “General Revenue.” By 2050, about half of its funding will come from this category unless a legislative change is made. General Revenue is a very ambiguous term to describe a diverse group of revenues that includes borrowed money. This likely means that in order for the General Revenue to increase, the deficit will likely widen as more borrowing must be done in order to cover for this deficit.

A Self-Analysis

At the beginning of this project, I was very unsure about my topic of choice. As much as I hate to say it, I do not keep very updated with politics or current events, and this made it very hard to choose a topic. However, I had heard a lot about the lack of participation of young voters in each election, but especially the midterms. This appealed to me because I, too, was considering choosing not to vote in the midterm elections. I felt that I was not educated enough about candidates or politics in general to attempt to contribute to the important decisions made when voting. It did not take long for this mindset to change after starting to research young voters in the midterms.

After five weeks of researching and writing long and short blog posts, I have learned so much about the process of voting and the efforts to both energize and restrict young voters this midterm. I learned about the many programs launched to encourage the younger generation to make it to the polling places, whether it is the issue of gun control, health care, college tuition, or environmental protection that motivates them.

At first I did not believe that there could be any type of polarization when it comes to the parties’ views on young voters, but I was soon shown that my belief was wrong. I read various articles about laws that restrict or make voting more difficult, especially voter ID laws that disproportionately affect young people, and those who vote Democratic. These laws are usually passed by Republican legislators, and prove that there is a divide between parties when it comes to young voters.

Most importantly, this project convinced me of the importance of voting. As someone who was not passionate about voting once, I have completely transformed my way of thinking in this regard. I now understand how lucky I am to have the right to vote for those that represent me and to be able to use my voice in the government. I will now use what I have learned about voting to encourage everyone I know, but especially my peers to vote every chance they get, because the only way to see change is by participating.

I have also observed changes in my writing over the last few weeks, as I have had to learn how to organize a lot of facts into a somewhat brief, but still informative, post. I have had to look at the problems facing my topic, analyze both sides, and be able to try to formulate a solution for the future. Most of all, I have learned how to pick words that carry the most significance in order to get my point across quickly and simply.

All in all, I faced several challenges, such as workload, sickness, and writer’s block, but I still enjoyed the chance to learn more about the midterm elections and I felt that this project helped me to grow as a writer.

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